7. FeedPage

FeedPage is consisted of 3 main components that interact with Klaystagram contract.

7-2. UploadPhoto component 7-3. Feed component 7-4. TransferOwnership component

// src/pages/FeedPage.js

const FeedPage = () => (
  <main className="FeedPage">
    <UploadButton />               // 7-2. UploadPhoto
    <Feed />                       // 7-3. Feed
// src/components/Feed.js

<div className="Feed">
  {feed.length !== 0
    ? feed.map((photo) => {
      // ...
      return (
        <div className="FeedPhoto" key={id}>

            // ...
              userAddress === currentOwner && (
                <TransferOwnershipButton   // 7-4. TransferOwnership
            // ...
    : <span className="Feed__empty">No Photo :D</span>

To make component interact with contract, there are 3 steps.

First, create KlaystagramContract instance to connect contract with front-end. Second, using KlaystagramContract instance, make API functions that interact with contract in redux/actions Third, call functions in each component

Let's build it!

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