FeeDelegatedValueTransfer represents a fee delegated value transfer transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedValueTransfer transaction.
FeeDelegatedValueTransfer has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedValueTransfer transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedValueTransfer from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransfer.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemo represents a fee delegated value transfer memo transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemo transaction.
FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemo has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemo transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemo from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferMemo.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
FeeDelegatedAccountUpdate represents a fee delegated account update transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedAccountUpdate transaction.
FeeDelegatedAccountUpdate has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedAccountUpdate transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedAccountUpdate from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedAccountUpdate.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy represents a fee delegated smart contract deploy transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy transaction.
FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractDeploy.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution represents a fee delegated smart contract execution transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution transaction.
FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecution.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
// Create a feeDelegatedSmartContractExecution>caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecution.create({ from:'0x{address in hex}', to:'0x{address in hex}', input:'0xa9059...', gas:90000,})// Create a feeDelegatedSmartContractExecution from RLP-encoded string> caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecution.create('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')
FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution { _type:'TxTypeFeeDelegatedSmartContractExecution', _from:'0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b', _gas:'0xf4240', _nonce:'0x4d2', _gasPrice:'0x19', _signatures: [ SignatureData { _v:'0x25', _r:'0x253ae...', _s:'0x22465b...' } ], _feePayer:'0x5a0043070275d9f6054307ee7348bd660849d90f', _feePayerSignatures: SignatureData { _v:'0x26', _r:'0xe7c51...', _s:'0x5b0de...' } ], _to:'0x7b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d0', _value:'0xa', _input:'0x6353586b000000000000000000000000bc5951f055a85f41a3b62fd6f68ab7de76d299b2'}
FeeDelegatedCancel represents a fee delegated cancel transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedCancel transaction.
FeeDelegatedCancel has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedCancel transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedCancel from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedCancel.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoring represents a fee delegated chain data anchoring transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoring transaction.
FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoring has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoring transaction.
NOTE You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoring from RLP-encoded string. Please refer to the below example.
NOTEcaver.transaction.feeDelegatedChainDataAnchoring.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.