Bridge Configuration
In this page, we will describe the steps of connecting a Service Chain to the Main Chain.
EN Configuration - Enable Main-bridge
You should enable main-bridge by configuring kend.conf
Update the Configuration File
The kend.conf
contains the following main-bridge properties.
Enable bridge service as main bridge for service chain. 1 to enable.
Bridge listen port. Default: 50505
Enable indexing of service chain transaction hash for fast access to the service chain data. 1 to enable.
To enable main-bridge on EN, you should do like below.
enable RPC/WS.
API for RPC like the below example.
Connect SCN to the Main Chain
You need to run an EN of the main chain as a main-bridge. And also you should determine which SCN (Service Chain Consensus Node) as a sub-bridge will connect with the EN.
Check EN (Main-Bridge) information
Open EN Console
There are different ways to attach to the EN process. You can check the usable commands on ken CLI commands. This page explains the way to attach to the process via IPC (inter-process communication). The IPC file klay.ipc
is located in the data directory on the node.
Please execute the following command and check out the result. (If you added mainbridge
API for RPC, you can check the bridge API like below. If there is no mainbridge
API, you should check EN Configuration - Enable Main-bridge again. )
Get the EN's KNI
After attaching to the process via IPC, you can check the EN's main-bridge KNI like below. You can refer to Service Chain API.
You should take note of the main-bridge kni
Connect to the Main Chain
Open SCN Console
Attach to the SCN process like below. You should have enabled subbridge
API for RPC, you can find the subbridge module in the output. If there is no subbridge
API, you should check Configuration of the SCN again.
Connect SCN with EN
You can add the EN peer on SCN via IPC like below. The kni is EN's KNI which you noted previously.
And then you can check the connected peers like below.
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